This nonsentient humanoid is a representation of other medias I've absorbed in my early teens. This one in particular is from a game I was obsessed with since April 16th 2016.
At first, I wanted to watch it because I thought it was stupid. but then I started thinking about it all day. My passion for it was immediate. and for the next six years, I made art only about this franchise.
It laid a lot of the groundwork for my story, but it was ripped from my design as soon as I developed my passion project to be more original. I won't deny that it laid a strong foundation for my art. It pushed me to want to draw fanart constantly, and it's one of the reasons I have an anime art style today.
This franchise was also what pushed me into finding my partner who was also a superfan of the franchise. They now help me with ideas and feedback on the story we share together.

Non-sentient humanoid
im sorry its an anime figurine

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